
🎯 milestone 🔖 full Changelog

What’s Changed

  • Added JSON logging format support. PR #246

  • Updated dependencies @actions/artifact to v2.1.5 and @actions/core to v1.0.1. PR #562

  • Added deprecation notice for versions v3/v2/v1 in the README. PR #561

  • Minor fix to the migration README. PR #523

  • HTTP header parameters as variables. PR #251

  • Added interceptor-error-handler function for formatting exceptions as JSON for Internal Server Errors. Integrated error handling into get-interceptors. Imported io.pedestal.interceptor.error and clojure.data.json PR #254

  • We should be able to create a dev and prod config map when start moclojer PR #199

  • Updated dependencies @actions/artifact to v2.1.6. This update includes improvements to the artifact upload process. PR #257

  • Bug fix docker image build: used uberjar to build and distribute .jar file PR #259


  • @j0suetm

  • @eggyhead

  • @robherley

  • @andrewakim

  • @avelino

Last updated