Using rendering templates

how the template works within the moclojer specification file

moclojer provides a template processor to make the endpoint’s return dynamic, making it easy for you to pass parameters by URI and query string into the endpoint’s response.

We use the Selmer template engine (is inspired by the Django template engine), making it possible to place conditions and rules within the template. The Selmer documentation shows examples of how to do this.

it is possible to use template rendering in:

  • endpoint.response.body

  • endpoint.response.external-body.path understand what external body is here

Path params path-params

Parameter passed by the endpoint’s URI/URL.

We use the :field-name signature to pass the dynamic parameter to the URL/URI. To access this field in the template, simply use the following syntax: {{path-params.field-name}}.


- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /:field-name
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "path-params": "{{path-params.field-name}}"

Query params query-params

Parameter passed query string.

We use the ?field-name=dynamic field name signature to pass the dynamic parameter to the query string, generally used in the http verb GET. To access this field in the template, simply use the following syntax: {{query-params.field-name}}.


- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "path-params": "{{query-params.field-name}}"

JSON params json-params

Parameter passed via JSON, generally used in the http verbs POST, PUT and DELETE. To access this field in the template, simply use the following syntax: {{json-params.field-name}}.


- endpoint:
    method: POST
    path: /
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "json-params": "{{json-params.field-name}}"

Sending data:

curl -X POST http://.../
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
   -d '{"field-name":"dynamic field name"}'

HTTP header request headers

All parameters received in the request header are passed as template variables, making it possible to use the header data to create logic (verification) and/or put it in the return (in the body). To access this field in the template, simply use the following syntax: {{headers.field-name}}.


- endpoint:
    method: POST
    path: /
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "header-params": "{{headers.field-name}}"

Sending data:

curl -X POST http://.../
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
   -H 'Field-Name: dynamic field via header'

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