Creating mock server

moclojer uses the specifications written in the configuration file to declare the endpoints, uri parameters, and its return (which can be dynamic with the data received in the request)

Create a file named moclojer.yml (we will use yaml because it is a more familiar format to most people, k8s did a great job diseminating this format), inside the yaml file created put the following content:

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /hello/:username
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "hello": "{{path-params.username}}!"

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /hello-world
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "hello": "Hello, World!"
- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /with-params/:param1
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "path-params": "{{path-params.param1}}",
          "query-params": "{{query-params.param1}}"
- endpoint:
    method: POST
    path: /first-post-route
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "project": "{{json-params.project}}"


Describing all endpoints declared in the configuration file, you can see the following.


GET /hello/:username

Will take a parameter from the url called username and return the username dynamically from the response body.

Path Parameters

  "hello": "{{path-params.username}}!"


GET /hello-world

Static endpoint that returns content that is not dynamic.

  "hello": "Hello, World!"


GET /with-params/:param1

It will take a parameter from the url called param1 and the query string called param1, and return both parameters dynamically in the response body. Exemplifying how to consume the two types of parameters in the return from the endpoint.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

  "path-params": "{{path-params.param1}}",
  "query-params": "{{query-params.param1}}"


POST /first-post-route

It will take a parameter from the body called project, and return the project name dynamically from the response body.

Request Body

  "project": "{{json-params.project}}"

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